School Supplies in Dallas, TX
We Have The Supplies To Keep Your Student Well Stocked & Organized
My Office has all of the Lake Hightland Junior High School core supplies, the career and technical packages, band, orchestra, art and health packages. We have all the staples, pencils, glue, pens, markers and other items that would normally mean an extra trip to the big “office box” store.
Do you know what your child’s most annoying phrase is? It’s probably, “summer is over.” This is the time when back-to-school sales kick off long before classes do. If you know what you need in advance, you’ll be able to save significant money by taking advantage of these sales.
To do well in school, students must have all of the necessary supplies. Students can’t buy their own supplies, which means, at least to a certain extent, their success is dependent on their parents.